Welcome to CultivatED Marketer …

In this third episode of CultivatED Marketer, hosts Brent Bowen and Matt Tidwell, PhD, release one of their series of three discussions from 2020 Kansas City IABC Business Communicator Summit (BCS). They chat with LandaJob’s Kathryn Lorenzen about the importance of networking and obtaining a master’s degree.

Before Kathryn Lorenzen … Catching Up With Matt and Brent

How has this pandemic impacted marketers and brands? 

  • Pivoting business models
  • And polarizing — marketers working on either end of the spectrum of out of work to never been busier. Matt and Brent chat about industry dynamics on that point.
  • Matt highly recommend watching the April 26 60 minute episode on how auto makers pivoted their businesses. It makes one remember World War 2 (WW2) production act

Speaking of businesses that are making pivots 

The Iron District, a North Kansas City food and retail center comprised completely of shipping containers, made a huge successful pivot with their online curbside Saturday pick ups. A lot of what’s transpired with the pandemic is that when people and groups band together in that shared experience, they’ve shown you can survive together.

Even during the pandemic, is networking one of the most important things you could be doing right now?

it’s so important to stay connected. During these trying times, it may have to be in a different way but still network and meet new people when you’re able.

CultivatED Marketer Ep. 3 — Kathryn Lorenzen, Kansas City IABC BCS Show Notes

Brent and Matt talk with Kathryn Lorenzen of LandaJob at the Kansas City International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Business Communicators Summit (BCS)

How do you approach the decision of potentially going back to school for your master’s degree?
First, you want to understand the potential value of a masters degree to your career. Then, you can determine what the right program might look like for you.

How do employers view and advanced degree? Is it a differentiator?

It depends. Every organization is different. There are a growing list of job titles and functions that on paper require advanced degrees. The biggest differentiator is the rate and degree change occurring in marketing right now.

Should young professionals join clubs? What makes these young professionals not join?
Joining clubs and professional associations is one of the best things a young professional can do. It allows them to meet not only new peers but also possible mentors and learn of opportunities. Unfortunately, trends for memberships seem to be down as competition for programming and our time has never been greater.

What’s the biggest advice when looking at a Masters program?
Talk to people. Ask them about their experiences. How has their learning translated to their career.

How is the market right now for hiring? 
Hiring was strong at the end of February. In presidential election year, hiring tends to slow down. (And, when you have a pandemic, all bets are off.)

How important is it to network when looking for a job and applying for jobs?
IMPORTANT. Only about 30% of jobs are filled through online job postings. The rest: the people you know.

You can contact Kathryn at LandaJob.com

Upcoming CultivatED Marketer Guests

  • Angie Pastorek — Program Director and Faculty of the Organizational Communications Graduate Program at The University of Kansas. She will talk about challenges and opportunities about working as a team, as well as what skills are really important in the workforce. 

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